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Spencer Trappist Ale is America’s first Trappist brewery, located in Spencer, Massachusetts. The brewery is maintained and operated by the monks at Saint Joseph’s Abbey.

The monks at Saint Joseph’s “observe the counsel of the Rule of St. Benedict, a 6th century guide for monastic life that stresses the importance of ora et labora or ‘pray and work’”. The monks at the abbey are encouraged to be self-supportive, and to give back to the community with the fruits of their labor. You may have heard of or seen the jams and jellies that the Trappist monks produce. The sale of these products helps to support their way of life. Several years ago, when searching for a new production medium, one of the brothers expressed an interest in brewing. After lots of research and data-gathering (two-years, to be exact!) the monks at Saint Joseph’s Abbey had learned from their European brothers how to produce excellent craft beer.


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